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Our Inspiration

After hearing Sir Anthony Seldon interviewed on Radio 4 in November 2022 where he discussed discussed his new book 'The Path of Peace" and the walk he undertook in August 2021, Isla messaged Jonathan asking if he would be up for the challenge.


Over French 75's (the cocktail not the French WW1 artillery piece) at Christmas 2022, we made the decision to walk the Western Front Way early in 2023, as primarily a journey of self discovery and if possible raise a little money for both Building Heroes and Diabetes UK.  Having been inspired by Sir Anthony's book and the story of Lieutenant Douglas Gillespie who wrote in his letters from the front of his wish for a "Via Sacra". 


"I would make a fine broad road in the 'No Mans Land' between the lines, with paths for pilgrims on foot, and plant trees for shade' and fruit trees, so the soil should not be altogether waste.  Then I would like to send every man (woman) and child in Western Europe on pilgrimage along that Via Sacra, so that they might think and learn what war means from the silent witnesses on either side"   A D Gillespie, Letters from Flanders  3rd Edition, London, Smith Eder and Co 1916 p324.


Sadly Douglas Gillespie did not live to realise his dream as he was killed in action at the Battle of Loos in September 1915.


Having both served in the British Army, we feel that the 'Journey' that we are emabrking on, will provide us both with some form of peace, as well as commomerating all those who fell in the agony of the First World War.

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Our thanks go to.....

Firstly, thanks must go to Isla's husband (Calum) and Jonathan's wife (Gemma) for their support in making this happen.


Kim Hay, from the Western Front Way, for providing valuable information regarding the route which we plan to take.


Nicola Schnieder, from Buidling Heroes, who helped design this blog site and gave excellent advice on how best to use it to effectively to record our 'Journey'.


Chris and Michael from Invest My Community who very helpfully set up our fund raising page at short notice.  Thanks guys.


Finally, to all our friends and family who have supported as we prepare.  Particular thanks go to Steve Ball and Jules Petrie who have walked with Jonathan and Isla on numerous training walks around Yorkshire and Scotland respectively.


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