The aim of this page is to provide you with an ‘On This Day’ history of World War One Western Front, as it coincides with our walk. Our thanks go to for providing the information for this page.
18 March
2023: Day 1 British Airways flight from London Heathrow to Basel. Transfer to Bonhol.
Bonhol to Danmarie - distance 25.8 km/16miles
Overnight at Auberberge du Tisserand booked through
1915: Violent indecisive fighting between Four-de-Paris and Bolante.
1916: Allies bomb Zeebrugge.
1917: British occupy Chaulnes and Peronne and advance on 45-mile front from Chaulnes to Arras.
French occupy Noyon, Nesle, Guiscard, etc., and advance on 40-mile front.
Zeppelin brought down at Compiegne.
Germans launch heavy attack against Avocourt-Mort Homme sector (Verdun).
1918: Belgians repulse heavy local attacks in Flanders.
Daylight air-raid by British on Mannheim.
German Zepplin readying to take off
19 March
2023: Day 2 Danmarie to Cernay - distance 26.9 km/16.71 miles
Overnight at Thieire & Couverts booked through AirB&
1915: Germans attack heavily in the Vosges.
1916: ​Air raid on Kent.
Battle of Verdun: Germans repulsed at Poivre Hill.
1917: 40 more villages in British hands; over 170 taken by Allies in three days.
French advance beyond Ham (Somme) and take Chauny (Oise).
Heavy German attacks between Avocourt Wood and Hill 304 (Verdun) repulsed.
1918: Nothing of note.
Jonathan heading towards the Vosges Mountains 2023
​20 March
2023: Day 3 Cernay to Linthal - distance 23 km/14.3 miles
Overnight at Ferme du Morton booked through
1915: Germans regain some trench elements near Notre Dame de Lorette.
1916: Allies bomb Zeebrugge
Verdun: Germans attack Avocourt-Malancourt line and enter Avocourt Wood (south-west of Bethincourt).
1917: British advance towards Cambrai and St. Quentin; 14 villages occupied.
Department of Oise entirely liberated.
French take Tergnier and cross St. Quentin Canal.
Historic ruins of Chateau de Coucy blown up by Germans.
French carry railway junction of Jussy (east of Ham).
German casualties reported at 4,148,163 (to end of February).
1918: Repulse of strong German local attacks in Champagne, near Verdun, in the Woevre, and in Lorraine.
Jonathan and Isla on the summit of the Grand Ballon 2023
​21 March
2023: Day 4 Linthal to Munster - distance 15.2 km/9.4 miles
Overnight at 2 Rue du Pont booked through AirB&
1915: French regain lost trench elements near Notre Dame de Lorette.
Severe fighting at Bagatelle (the Argonne).
1916: Nothing of note.
1917: British advance south-east and east of Peronne; occupy 40 more villages, approaching St. Quentin.
Progress towards Cambrai continues.
French force passage of Somme Canal and progress north of Soissons.
1918: Second Battle of the Somme.
Great German offensive on 50-mile front between Sensee and Oise rivers.
British battle positions penetrated at various points, especially near St. Quentin.
Evacuating the wounded on the Somme
​22 March
2023: Day 5 Munster to La Bonhomme - distance 23.7 km/14.7 miles
Overnight at Logis Hotel De La Poste booked through
1915: Two Zeppelins attacks Paris.
1916: Battle of Verdun: Germans gain a footing on Haucourt Knoll, south-west of Malancourt.
1917: Increased enemy resistance on British front from west of St. Quentin to south of Arras.
Heavy snow storms.
French progress north of Tergnier (Oise) and north of Soissons, despite stiffening defence.
1918: Germans generally held on northern part of battle-front, but British defences broken through west of St. Quentin.
British troops here and in adjoining sectors retreat hastily. Germans claim 16,000 prisoners and 200 guns.
German Military cemetery at La Ligne 2023
​23 March
2023: Day 6 La Bonhomme to Ban de Sapt - distance 30.6 km/19 miles
Overnight at Acconat - Doumaine du Moulin booked through
1915: Germans bombard Reims and Soissons; French silence the German guns at Soissons.
1916: British line extended to include Souchez.
1917: French success at Artemps (south of St. Quentin).
Oise valley and La Fere flooded by Germans.
New French detachments cross Ailette; progress north of Soissons.
Germans thrown back to Grand Seraucourt.
Some fighting on British front between Arras and Bapume-Cambrai road.
1918: Germans take Monchy-le-Preux, cross Tortille river (between Bapaume and Peronne), capture Peronne and Ham, and reach line
of Somme.
French troops enter battle on British southern wing.
Bombardment of Paris by long-range guns (74 miles) begins.
British air-raid on Konz (near Treves) by night.
French soldiers advance at Verdun
​24 March
2023: Day 7 Ban de Sapt to Cellos sur Plaine - distance 27.5 km/17.1 miles
Overnight at Logis Hotel des Lacs booked through
1915: Nothing of note.
1916: Nothing of note.
1917: British take Roisel east of Peronne.
French occupy right bank of Oise from north of Vaudreuil to suburbs of La Fere and progress on east
bank of Ailette Canal.
1918: Germans held in desperate fighting round Bapaume, cross Somme between Peronne and Ham, and take
Nesle and Peronne, d further south capture Guiscard and Chauny. They now claim 30,000 prisoners and
600 guns.
British aeroplanes raid Mannheim by day and Cologne by night.
German bunker on the heights above Senones 2023
​25 March
2023: Day 8 Cellos sur Plaine to Badonville - distance 10.4 km/6.5 miles
Overnight at Le YS Lounge Bar booked through
1915: Nothing of note.
1916: Battle of Verdun: German artillery active south-west of Meuse.
1917: Hard fighting south of St. Quentin.
French reach neighbourhood of Coucy-le-Chateau.f Ailette Canal.
395 shells on Reims.
1918: Germans carry Bapaume in night attack; subsequently their advance, though less rapid
than on previous two days, continues on whole front from Ervillers (north of Bapaume) to
the Oise. Germans claim 45,000 prisoners since beginning of attack.
German stormtrooper in the attack during the 1918 Spring Offensive
​26 March
2023: Day 9 Badonville to Luneville - distance 42.3 km/26.3 miles
Overnight at Logis Hotel Les Pages booked through
1915: French gain summit of Hartmannsweilerkopf.
Six French airmen bomb Metz.
1916: Nothing of note.
1917: British take Lagnicourt (six miles north-east of Bapaume); French repulse several attacks
south of St. Quentin, throw back enemy beyond Barisis-Sevais line, and take village
of Coucy-le-Chateau.
1918: British make stand north of Somme on line Roeux-Ayette-Beaumont Hamel-Albert-Bray,
but lose Albert and Bray.
Very heavy fighting south of Somme; Germans capture Lihons, Chaulnes, Roye and Noyon.
Momentous Franco-British Conference at Doullens on unity of command.
Navigation check 2023
​27 March
2023: Day 10 Luneville to Brin sur Seille - distance 36.2 km/22.5 miles
Overnight at Le Clos Darwin booked through
1915: French make progress at Les Eparges.
1916: Two lines of German trenches captured at St. Eloi (Ypres).
1917: British attack north-east of Bapaume and occupy villages north-east of Peronne.
French reach Forest of St. Gobain and, north of Soissons, the Aisne-Oise Canal.
1918: Germans advance on both side of Somme in night attack, reaching Sailly le Sec (12 miles from Amiens),
but lose ground in British counter-attacks. Germans afterwards fail in attacks from Bucquoy to Rosieres
and are checked near Lassigny and Noyon, but take Montdidier after rapid advance.
Outskirts of Brin sur Seille 2023
​28 March
2023: Day 11 Brin sur Seille to Pont a Mousson - distance 41.6 km/25.8 miles
Overnight at Hotel de L'Abbeye des Premontres booked through
1915: French repulse all counter-attacks at Les Eparges.
1916: Battle of Verdun: German attack on Haucourt-Malancourt front repulsed.
1917: French repulse enemy in Maisons de Champagne, but lose a few trenches. They recapture Hill 304 (Verdun).
British established along Bapume-Cambrai road beyond Beaumetz.
Allies gain ground round Croiselles-Arras.
German long-range gun shells Soissons.
1918: Great German attack on wide front north and south of Scarpe river defeated with very heavy loss.
Between Somme and Avre rivers Germans advance, reaching Hamel.
Strong French counter-attacks gain ground near Montdidier and between Hainvillers and Pont l'Eveque (Oise).
Moment of impact
​29 March
2023: Day 12 Pont a Mousson to Heudicourt-sous-les Cotes - distance 42.4 km/26.3 miles
Overnight at Logis Hotel du Lac de la Madin booked through
1915: Nothing of note.
1916: Battle of Verdun: Germans enter Malancourt village; French recover Avocourt redoubt.
1917: British take Neuville-Bourjonval (seven miles east of Bapaume) after sharp fighting.
German retreat slackens.
1918: No serious fighting north of Somme. Between Somme and Avre Germans continue to advance,
taking Hamel, Mezieres and Demuin.
French hold line west of Mezieres-La Neuville-Sire Bernard-outskirts of Montdidier.
Continued French counter-attacks on southern flank.
Germans claim 70,000 prisoners and 1,100 guns since opening of offensive.
General Foch appointed to co-ordinate action of Allied Armies.
Long-range gun causes 160 casualties in Parish church.
US 5th Division memorial, nr Remanauville 2023
​30 March
2023: Day 13 Heudicourt-sous-les Cotes to Watronville - distance 37.1 km/23.1 miles
Overnight at La Haie a Cerf booked through
1915: Germans bomb Reims Cathedral.
1916: Battle of Verdun: German repulsed at Fort Douaumont.
1917: British progressing towards Cambrai, take eight villages.
British Infantry in touch with whole German front from Arras to six miles south-west of St. Quentin.
French recapture lost trenches in eastern Champagne.
1918: A 37.5 mile front, between Moreuil and Lassigny, French offensive continued; desperate
resistance to enemy attacks.
North of Somme in Boivy and Boyelles region (Cojeul river) heavy German attacks break down.
South of Somme in Luce valley, Demuin is lost and retaken by British.
Attack on Belgian trenches east of Nieuport repulsed.
Germa trenches nr Verdun
​31 March
2023: Day 14 Watronville to Verdun - distance 29 km/18 miles
Overnight at Hotel Jardins du Mess booked through
1915: Nothing of note.
1916: Battle of Verdun: French evacuate Malancourt and positions between Haucourt and Bethincourt.
Zeppelin raid on east coast: one Zeppelin destroyed; 48 killed, 64 injured.
1917: British advance north-east of St. Quentin. 4 Villages taken.
1918: Indecisive fighting in Luce and Avre valleys. Hangard taken and retaken. French make some
progress between Montdidier and Lassigny.
West of Albert German attack is stopped.
1,059 aeroplanes reported brought down on all fronts in March, of which Allies claim 838,
and Germans 221.
Comparative statement of bombing activity by British and German aircraft issued.
French cemetery at Verdun 2023
1 April
2023: Day 15 Verdun - Rest Day
Overnight at Hotel Jardins du Mess booked through
1915: British air raid on Zeebrugge and Hoboken.
Germans occupy Cloister Hoek (near Dixmude).
1916: Battle of Verdun: Germans capture part of Vaux village.
Zeppelin raid on north-east coast, L15 captured; 22 killed, 130 injured.
1917: British capture Savy (four miles west of St. Quentin) and Savy Wood.
French drive back Germans to Vauxaillon (north-east of Soissons).
A German bombardment of Reims begins.
1918: Local attacks by Germans near Albert repulsed.
Grivesnes (southern Moreuil) heavily attacked but remains in French hands.
At Hebuterne (Bucquoy) local fighting in favour of British.
A well deserved beer 2023
Le Mort Homme on the left bank of the Meuse 2023
2 April
2023: Day 16 Verdun to Montfaucond-Argonne - distance 32.3 km/20.1 miles
Overnight at Arara (49 Rue Raymond Poincare) booked through
1915: German attack stopped at Bagatelle (Argonne).
French air raids on German aviation camps in Belgium and Lorraine.
1916: Zeppelin raid on east coast and Scotland; 13 killed, 24 injured.
1917: British advance west and north of St. Quentin; to west, capturing three villages; to north between
Arras and Bapaume-Cambrai road, taking Croisselles and five other villages; and to north-west, at Templeux.
1918: Scarpe river British repulse attack near Fampoux and further south capture Ayette.
Local fighting between Moreuil and Lassigny.
Generally fighting has died down across the Western Front.
U.S.A. agrees to brigade troops with British and French.
3 April
2023: Day 17 Montfaucond-Argonne to Berzieux - distance 45.1 km/28 miles
Overnight at Chambre d'hotes Fantesstique booked through
1915: French take Regnieville (Woevre).
1916: Verdun: French re-occupy west part of Vaux village.
German salient captured, British line advanced on 600 yards front at St. Eloi.
Harmless Zeppelin raid on Norfolk.
1917: British capture Henin-sur-Cojeul (south-east of Arras), and Maissemy (St. Quentin), and occupy
Ronssoy Wood (north of Templeux).
German night attack west of St. Quentin fails.
South-west and south of St. Quentin French take four villages.
1918: Local fighting in Scarpe river region and at Hebuterne.
Heavy air fighting and bombing.
One long-range German gun reported blown up.
Recontsructed German trench system at La Main de Massiges 2023
4 April
2023: Day 18 Berzieux to Bussy-le-Chateau - distance 37.4 km/23.2 miles
Overnight at Aux Portes des Tumuli booked through
1915: French make progress south of St. Mihiel (Meuse) and in the Woevre district.
Germans take Driegrachten.
1916: Battle of Verdun: French progress north of Bois de Caillette.
Zeppelin raid on east coast of Britain; 1 killed, 9 injured.
1917: British capture Metz-en-Couture (towards Cambrai).
French (south of St. Quentin) capture three villages and advance to south-west suburb of St. Quentin.
1918: Germans again attack in force between Somme and Avre rivers.
British pressed back near Hamel and Villers-Bretonneux, and French between Avre and Luce rivers.
North of Somme, German attack near Albert is repulsed.
French counter-attack between Grivesnes and Noyon.
Germans claim 90,000 prisoners since 21 March.
Air combat
5 April
2023: Day 19 Bussy-le-Chateau to Reims - distance 47 km/29.2 miles
Overnight at Ibis Reims booked through
1915: Belgian counterattack repulsed at Driegrachten.
French make progress east of Verdun, but are repulsed in the Argonne..
1916: Battle of Verdun: Germans occupy Haucourt; attack on Bethincourt breaks down.
Zeppelin raid on north-east coast of Britain: 1 killed, 9 injured.
1917: British capture three villages between Cambrai and St. Quentin.
Germans bombard French north of Urvillers.
Great air battle begins, lasting two days.
German aeroplane raid on Kent and Ramsgate, no casualties.
1918: Germans again attack from Somme to beyond Bucquoy.
British take 200 prisoners in counter-attack near Hebuterne.
French attack north of Montdidier and near Noyon.
End of Second Battle of the Somme.
Reims Cathedral - 2023
6 April
2023: Day 20 Reims to Corbeny - distance 39.4 km/24.4 miles
Overnight at Logis Hotel du Chemin des Dames booked through
1915: French make progress east of Verdun and in Alsace.Indecisive fighting on the Meuse front.
Indecisive fighting on the Meuse front.
1916: Battle of Verdun: Germans occupy Haucourt; attack on Bethincourt breaks down.
Germans regain two craters at St. Eloi.
1917: Beginning of French bombardment of German positions east of Vauxaillon (north-east of Soissons)
to north of Reims.
1918: Severe fighting in Aveluy Wood (Albert), near Hebuterne, in Luce Valley, north and south
of Montdidier, and in Oise region.
Strong German attacks near Beaumont (Meuse).
Reims heavily bombarded.
Reims Cathedral - 1916
7 April
2023: Day 21 Corbeny to Soissons - distance 47.8 km/29.7 miles
Overnight at Casa La Palma Le 48 booked through
1915: Indecisive fighting near St. Mihiel.
1916: Battle of Verdun: French repulse an attack south and east of Haucourt.
1917: British advance north-west of St. Quentin to Fresny-le-Petit.of Reims.
Severe fighting round Berry-au-Bac (north-west of Reims).
1918: Heavy artillery work on the Oise and between the Somme and Armentieres; two attacks
on Bucquoy repulsed.
French troops shelter in a shell hole on the Chemin Des Dames
8 April
2023: Day 22 Soissons - Rest Day
Overnight at Casa La Palma Le 48 booked through
1915: French attacks in the Woevre district repulsed.
1916: Battle of Verdun: French evacuate Bethincourt: German gain at Haucourt reported.
1917: British progress north of Louveral (half-way between Bapaume and Cambrai).
Evacuation of Reims by civil population.
1918: Oise river French are forced back in Forest of Coucy, and Coucy le Chateau
and Landricourt are lost
German attempts in districts of Reims, Verdun and Vosges.
Heavy German bombardment on whole British front, up to Armentieres.
Another well deserved beer 2023
9 April
2023: Day 23 Soissons to Compiegne - distance 44.2 km/27.5 miles
Overnight at Cit Hotel de Harley booked through
1915: French completes the capture of Les Eparges.
Germans bombard Reims.
Indecisive fighting on the Meuse.
1916: Battle of Verdun: Germans gain footing on Hill 295, but fail in attack on 12-mile front
west of Meuse.
Recapture of mine crater at St. Eloi by British reported.
1917: Battle of Arras (on 12-mile front from Henin-sur-Cojeul, south-east of Arras, to
Givenchy-en-Gohelle, north of Arras).
British (Canadians) take Vimy Ridge (northern end excepted), five villages and 6,000 prisoners.
North of St. Quentin and towards Cambrai British take six villages and enter Havrincourt Wood.
1918: Battle of the Lys begins.
Heavy bombardment from La Bassee Canal to Armentieres, followed by strong attacks, force
British and Portuguese back to Lys river at Estaires.
Neuve Chapelle lost to Germans.
Fine stand by Guards Division.
Hangard lost and retaken by French; between it and Noyon all German attempts repulsed.
Ambleny Military Cemetery - 4km west of Soisssons 2023
10 April
2023: Day 24 Compiegne to Noyon - distance 22.5 km/14 miles
Overnight at Noyon Ibis Budget booked through
1915: French success in the Bois de Montmare (Woevre).
1916: Battle of Verdun: Critical day; general German repulse on Meuse and Mort Homme,
but slight German gain at Poivre Hill.
Germans gain ground at St. Eloi.
1917: British complete capture of Vimy Ridge, occupy Farbus (north-east of Arras) and
Fampaux (four miles east of Arras).Arras).
Great French bombardment of Moronvillers massif (group of hills east of Reims) begins.
1918: Battle (German Spring Offensive) extends northwards.
Germans reach left bank of Lys river.
From Estaires south to Givenchy position is maintained.
North of Armentieres, line forced back to Wytschaete, Messines Ridge and Ploegsteert;
Armentieres evacuated with practically no loss.
Marshal Ferdinad Foch - Glade of Armistice 2023
11 April
2023: Day 25 Noyon to Rouy Le Petit- distance 22.5 km/14 miles
Overnight at L'escale Aux Framboises booked through
1915: Germans repulsed at Les Eparges.
Severe fighting near Albert.
1916: Battle of Verdun: German attack on Douaumont-Vaux sector fails.
German losses since beginning of war 2,730,917.
1917: Repulse of British east of Bellicourt (St. Quentin).
British capture village of Monchy-le-Preux (5.5 miles east-south-east of Arras).
1918: General fighting on whole battle-front.
British forced back beyond Ploegsteert and Steenwercke to south of Neuve Eglise and Bailleul.
At Hollebeke and Messines German attacks repulsed.
Germans capture Merville.
Strong local German attacks repulsed south of Arras.
Germans claim 20,000 prisoners in Northern fighting.
Australian soldiers north of Peronne 1918
12 April
2023: Day 26 Rouy Le Petit to Peronne - distance 23.6 km/14.7 miles
Overnight at Best Western Hotel Saint Claude booked through
1915: Failure of French attack south-east of Hartmannsweilerkopf.
French consolidate their positions at Les Eparges.
German airship bombs Nancy.
1916: Nothing of note.
1917: British advance north of Vimy Ridge, taking the "Pimple" and Bois en Hache,
and south of Arras-Cambrai road take Heninel and Wancourt.
1918: Strong enemy pressure, especially at Bailleul and Wulverghem; Neuve Eglise
and Messines penetrated.
In Apremont Forest Franco-Americans repulse continued attacks.
110 German Divisions engaged since the start of Spring Offensive.
Zeppelins raid Eastern and Midland Counties (seven killed, 20 injured).
Air raid on Paris, one raider shot down at Compiegne.
Peronne 1918
13 April
2023: Day 27 Peronne to Albert- distance 46 km/28.5 miles
Overnight at Logis Hotel De La Basilique booked through
1915: French progress near Berry-au-Bac.
Failure of French attacks near Maizeray.
1916: Nothing of note.
1917: South of Bapume-Cambrai road, British capture village and wood of Gouzeaucourt.
North of Scarpe, British capture Vimy, Givenchy-en-Gohelle, Angres and two other villages.
1918: British re-occupy Neuve Eglise and repel further attack.
Continuous fighting round Wulverghem, Bailleul and Meteren, and at Festubert.
Lys river front remains firm.
Sir Douglas Haig issues special Order of the Day.
Meuse river, Americans north-west of Toul are twice attacked.
Delville Wood cemetery 2023
14 April
2023: Day 28 Albert to Arras - distance 41.2 km/25.6 miles
Overnight at Holiday Inn Express booked through
1915: Germans accuse the French of using poison gas near Verdun.
Zeppelin raid on Tyneside.
1916: Nothing of note.
1917: British capture Vimy Station, Lievin, and Cite St. Pierre (Lens).
German attack on British at Monchy-le-Preux repulsed.
British and French air raid on Freiburg.
End of first phase of Battle of Arras.
1918: Neuve Eglise taken by Germans.
Seven German attacks in Merville sector repulsed.
Near Bailleul, British line penetrated, but position restored.
East of Robecq, British take prisoners and machine guns.
General Foch appointed Commander-in-Chief of Allied Armies in France.
Theipval Memorial 2023
15 April
2023: Day 29 Arras to Souchez - distance 18.2 km/11.3miles
Overnight at Les Domaines des Loup booked through
1915: Ostend bombed by 15 Allied aeroplanes.
French airship bombs Freiburg.
Severe fighting off Ostend.
Sir John French's despatch on operations from 2 February to 20 March published.
1916: Battle of Verdun: Successful French attack south of Douaumont.
1917: British repulse German attack on Bapume-Cambrai road; severe fighting at Lagnicourt.
British capture Villeret (north-west of St. Quentin).
1918: Fighting continues on Bailleul-Wulverghem line, and Germans capture both places.
Very violent artillery action in Luce Valley (Somme).
Canadian National Vimy Memorial 2023
16 April
2023: Day 30 Souchez to Neuve Chappelle - distance 36.1 km/22.4 miles
Overnight at Aux p'tits Bonheurs la Grange booked through
1915: Germans repulsed at Notre Dame de Lorette.
French airships bomb Strasbourg and other German towns.
Zeppelin raid on East Anglia: aeroplane bombs Faversham and Sittingbourne.
1916: Battle of Verdun: German bombardment of Avocourt Wood and Hill 304.
1917: Second Battle of the Aisne (between Soissons and Reims). French take first German positions
between Soissons and Craonne, and second positions to south of Juvincourt, and advance
line to Aisne Canal between Loivre and Courcy.
1918: Heavy attacks develop at Wytschaete and south-west of Vieux Berquin.
Wytschaete and Metern lost and retaken.
Attacks near Bailleul repulsed.
German progress on Lys river forces British withdrawal from Passchendaele.
Sir Douglas Haig issues special despatch "The 55th Division at Givenchy".
Heavy fighting in Boyelles district, south of Arras.
Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig
17 April
2023: Day 31 Neuve Chappelle to Armentieres - distance 21.4 km/13.3 miles
Overnight at Maison d'Hotes le 90 booked through
1915: British take Hill 60 (St. Eloi).
1916: Battle of Verdun: Germans repulsed at Douaumont, but gain footing in Bois de Chaudfour salient.
1917: German attacks near Hurtebise Farm (between Troyon and Craonne) and at Courcy (north of Reims)
Battle of Moronvillers (east of Reims) begins.
French capture heights of the massif and 3,500 prisoners.
1918: Intense bombardment, followed by infantry attack, on whole line from Nieppe Forest to Wytschaete.
Wytschaete and Meteren again lost.
North-west of Dixmude, Belgians take 700 prisoners and 42 machine guns.
French repulse attacks on Meuse and in Champagne.
'Cobbers' 4km northwest of Fromelles 2023
18 April
2023: Day 32 Armentieres to Ypres - distance appprox 30 km/18.6 miles
Overnight at Novotel Leper booked through
1915: German attacks repulsed at Hill 60.
1916: Deportation of civilians announced at Lille and elsewhere.
1917: French advance continued east and north-east of Soissons. French capture five villages;
on Aisne capture Conde bridgehead and Vailly, repulse enemy near Juvincourt, and
consolidate positions in Moronvillers massif.
British capture Villers-Guislain (12 miles south of Cambrai).
1918: Heavy attacks from Givenchy to Lys river. Fighting particularly severe at Givenchy, where
enemy make slight advance.
In the north, attacks south of Kemmel repulsed.
French progress on Avre river and take 650 prisoners at Castel.
Belgians repulse attack north-west of Passchendaele.
Isla at the Menin Gate 2023
19 April
2023: Day 33 Ypres - Rest Day
Overnight at Novotel Leper booked through
1915: German retirement in Alsace.
Fighting for Hill 60.
Sir John French denies that the British have made use of poison gas.
1916: Battle of Verdun: Germans fail in three attacks at Les Eparges.
Germans capture two craters at St. Eloi and positions north of Langemarck-Ypres.
1917: German attacks near Hurtebise Farm (between Troyon and Craonne) and at Courcy
(north of Reims) repulsed.
British capture Villers-Guislain (12 miles south of Cambrai).
1918: Scarpe river British capture prisoners and machine guns.
Position restored at Givenchy.
Sharp fighting at Robecq.
North of Merville heavy shelling, but no infantry attacks.
Ypres after 4 years of fighting.
20 April
2023: Day 34 Ypres to Diksmuide - distance approx 30 km/18.6 miles
Overnight at Novotel Leper booked through
1915: Germans bombard Reims and Ypres.
Germans retake Embermenil (Lorraine).
1916: Battle of Verdun: French regain ground near Mort Homme and south of Douaumont.
Russian troops arrive at Marseilles.
1917: French occupy Sancy (north-east of Soissons).
British capture Gonnelieu (eight miles south-west of Cambrai).
1918: Minor operations near Hebuterne, Robecq and south of Scarpe go in favour of British.
North-east of Ypres German attempt fails.
At Seicheprey (Woevre) Germans gain partial success against French and Americans.
Ypres Cloth Hall at night 2023
21 April
2023: Day 35 Diksmuide to Nieuwpoort - distance approx 30 km/18.6 miles
Overnight at Novotel Leper booked through
1915: Continued fighting for Hill 60.
French take "the Cow's Head", two lines of trenches, near St. Mihiel.
1916: Battle of Verdun: French make progress near Mort Homme, Vaux fort and Bois de Caillette.
British retake ground lost at Langemarck-Ypres.
1917: British gain ground east of Fampoux (east of Arras).
1918: Position at Seicheprey restored.
Local fighting round Albert, Villers Brettonneux and Robecq.
Great aerial activity and much bombing on whole front.
German airman, Captain von Richthofen, killed.
Result of 29 days' bombardment of Paris: 118 killed, 236 injured.